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Shoes for Treating Plantar Fasciitis


Inflammation of the plantar fascia or plantar fasciitis occurs when the ligament that joins the heel bone get microscopic tears. The microscopic tears on the ligaments that join the heel bone or along the ligament occur due to wrong mechanics on the foot or over utilization. The shift of the weight of the body from one foot to the other during running or walking causes force on the plantar fascia which can result in microscopic tears. It is an extremely painful condition that does not easily go away. Treating or keeping the condition away is as simple as wearing the correct shoes.


Wearing shoes that do not feet well can cause plantar fasciitis insoles. This also goes for walking barefooted and wearing flip - flops that do not have cushioning at the heel and can cause damage to the plantar fascia. The best shoes should have less heel height, be well cushioned on the sole and provide a padded support for the arch. The shoes should also have cushioning on the front foot and have enough structural support around the mid-foot. This way pressure is reduced on the heel bone and prevents plantar fasciitis.


Making sure that the shoes are comfortable is important in preventing plantar fasciitis. Focus should be placed on the cushioning and support that the shoe provides for the bottom of the foot, heel and the front of the foot. The shoe should not cause pressure points on any part of the foot and should be broad enough to avoid problems with the toes.


The innersoles of running shoes should be changed for new ones from time to time as the soles wear out over time and usage. As they wear out, the support and cushioning that is provided by the innersoles reduce. In the battle against plantar fasciitis, changing the pair of running shoes regularly is also advised. There are also some special plantar fasciitis running shoes that have devices that can be used to apply pressure optimally to the plantar fascia to stretch it to the required amount so as to reduce pain and swelling.


The fit of the shoe is also key in preventing and treating plantar fasciitis. If the shoes fit too tightly, they are bound to worsen the situation. When choosing shoes, choose a size that is slightly larger especially if you are trying them during the early hours of the day when the foot is slightly shrunk. In fighting plantar fasciitis, bigger shoes are better than shoes that are too small.

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